This triploid variety was first released in 1976 by the New Zealand Horticultural Research Center, but was renamed in 2012 to honor the breeder who is largely considered the father of New Zealand's hop program. Dr. Rudi is the result of a Smoothcone mother and open pollination that displays bright aromas of pine, lime pith, and lemongrass. It has a moderate alpha acid percentage and total oils are usually in the 1.1 - 1.5 ml/100g range. Since it was originally bred as a super alpha variety, Dr. Rudi is capable of carrying IPAs on its own, but displays best is lighter styles like pils an pale ales.
Alpha Acids: 10.0 - 12.0%
Beta Acids: 7.0 - 8.5%
Total Oil: 1.5 mL / 100 grams